showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
L'Odyssie du Robot The Learning Company1984I would not have thought Robot Odyssey is in fact [i]not[/i] the hardest game ever made. This language teaching modification of the game makes you play the game while learning French! ***** I must beat this game now! T* Gu*ul*! Me***! Mo*****! Sa****! En*****! Ve********! Sacrebleu! Pa********! Fo****! Br*le ** l’enfer! Z*t! I'm certain these will the most memorable French the game will teach me to speak. labelminimizeminimize
Robot Odyssey I: Escape from Robotropolis  The Learning Company1984
[48]***Requires 64k RAM, an Apple ][plus machine or better, and 2 blank disk sides.
[b]MSRP[/b]: $49.95

Your trapped in a the robot city, Robotropolis. You must navigate the city by designing and soldering logic circuits into discarded robots. You'll need to find batteries, battery chargers (unless you work extremely efficiently), keys, tokens, sensors, and microchips, among other things. But more important than any items you find in the game is the item resting between your shoulders, your brain. The puzzles in this game have no absolute solution (but hints and parts are sometimes provided for a solution predetermined by the game designers), instead you must design the solutions that you think will work. The unofficial sequel to [game=#20413]Rocky's Boots[/game]. Uses a much more advanced engine to drive very, very complex logic circuitry and animations. Although the puzzles in the game don't come close to needing the complexity this game is capable of delivering. It is educational, just don't tell anyone because this game is way to much fun to spoil.

In the Sewer level, you can find initials of 8 of the authors.

There are 4 sides to this program! Depending on what version you have, all sides of the disks may contain useful chips. Check'em out.

The copy protection of this game will prevent the soldering iron from working (even if legitimately used). The disks are a modified DOS 3.3 format. Enter B942:18 in the Apple's monitor program, copy the disks, then Enter B942:36. Edit the disks and change $000FD2 and $040EEB to 38. Now you have disks suitable to dump for emulation.

"Klaatu Barada Nikto" is a reference to the old black and white classic sci-fi, [i]The Day the Earth Stood Still[/i]
There is a Dalek in The Sewers level.